Interview - JosS
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The audio series of DJ mix sets called Roomania released the second episode of the season called "Cave of hands" on SoundCloud. ”Cave of hands” или ‘‘Пештера од раце”symbolizes the time distance of live club events, where raised hands were synonymous with good fun. In the new episode you will listen to Stefan Josifovski - DJ JosS from Bitola.
A unique selection of music and a great mixing style are just some of the traits that make JosS stand out from the crowd. JosSis one who is curious about the characteristics of the sound, without particular adherence to a certain style. A distinctive passion for collecting records has him continuously upgrading his vinyl collection. He is tirelessly working on creating original music and expressing himself as an artist. He appears as part of the teams of the promoter organizations Akto, House and Pirka.
Roomania: Hello Stefan. Thank you for accepting to take over the second episode of our podcast series and give us a wonderful "storytelling" mix. The idea of Roomania directly corresponds to the music you select for your sets, because you also nurture the Romanian electronic sound. Given that it is not a mainstream genre, who really loves this sound, discovers it. Therefore, I would like to ask you, what is your first touch with music and DJing and how did you arrive to where you are currently?
Hello. Thank you for the invitation. The first touch with music was a long time ago, I can’t remember exactly when that was. I began DJ-ing around 2012/13. I got to the current genre by listening to and "digging" unique electronic music. This genre retained my focus, but I listen to a lot of other genres.
Roomania: What inspires you and what is your recipe for a DJ mix?
I draw inspiration by listening to and downloading different music, releases and sets from domestic and foreign artists. I then zip all of that into something that I and those who listen to me think that it sounds good.
Roomania: What are your thoughts on the new way of how club culture operates? Can streams, podcasts and radio shows replace live shows? Is there a difference in music selection between appearing on a radio show and a live show?
The only way for club culture to survive right now is through video streams, podcasts and radio broadcasts. This doesn’t replace live shows, though. Music selection also differs here - as a guest on a radio show I prepare from home, and in a live show I select it at the moment, through the feedback of the audience.
Roomania: Romanian productions and sets tend to be extensive. This is where b2b sessions occur, when two or more DJ’s play at the same time. Do you often practice this way of playing and how do you connect and interact with the other DJs throughout the set?
I usually play music with one or more DJs. The energy of the DJ booth is higher if you have someone to share it with. During the set we exchange new releases, new artists and smiles. This is felt by the audience and has a positive impact on the dancefloor.
Roomania: Music connects, it does not create rivals. Do you think that this is a true statement for the Macedonian electronic scene and is there support among the associations that promote electronic music? Which promoter associations would you single out as most active in promoting music?
I completely agree. There is greater support among artists and cultural promoters than before. I would not single out any association as most active. In my opinion, we are all active in our own way and we all have something for which we fight for.
Roomania: Do you think that the work artists are doing in these unwanted times for club culture, such as video streams and radio shows, are valued by the audience?
I'm sure that all shows and video streams are salvation for club culture at this current state. We have full support from everyone who listens to us and is a fan of this music.
Roomania: Finally, how would you describe your mix for "Roomania"? Why should fans hear this mix?
In this mix, I singled out the most recent downloaded editions. It has good dynamics and "tells" a story. There are gentle vocals throughout it which make it feel special. When I listened to it, it sounded good to me and I confirmed to myself that it makes sense as a whole. I like the way it sounds, I hope the fans will enjoy it as well.