Roomania by Room 313
What is "Roomania"?
One of our latest projects is a new podcast series called "Roomania" - a fusion of “Room 313” and the Romanian sound. We chose SoundCloud as the platform for presenting our project, where we use the playlist format to sort the releases by seasons.
The series will include mixes by quality DJs / producers, who are inspired by the Romanian underground electronic music scene and are serious "diggers" of beautiful melodies.
The first season of "Cave of Hands" symbolizes the club culture in the days when it was loudest and the connection "DJ booth - podium" was closest. The image of raised hands represents a high level of happiness and enjoyment, which are a direct result of one thing that binds all these fragments together - music.
Conceptualizes liberation by breaking the chains of negative thoughts imposed by the media and society, and breaking away through the power of music. The picture of the “screaming girl” represents her cry of freedom after dropping the weight of her shackles and regaining bliss under the influence of music.
The music style will correspond to the name of the season and all the mixes will be in a genre called "BreakBeats". This is our way of getting free and we believe we can pass this on to our audience as well. The new season is technically more serious, it includes big names and experienced professionals in the field of electronic music.
Отворена е новата сезона на проектот „Roomania“ од Room 313, проект кој промовира квалитетна музика од квалитетни уметници и досега e доста успешен. Третата сезона, “Mind Alleys”, обликува идеја за длабоко нуркање во своите мисли и истражување на кривите улички на умот. Да се биде во можност за познавање и контролирање на мислите што минуваат низ умот на дневна основа, не е лесна задача, но со помош на длабоките звуци на третата сезона, дел од притисокот ќе биде ослободен. Затоа, нурнете длабоко во првата епизода од оваа сезона и започнете да ги истражувате уличките во вашиот ум.
What is "room 313"?
As the name suggests, 313 was a room number in a dormitory. That was in our student days, in 2013. It was there that the idea of living to this day was born and built our everyday style.
Usually we organize events at various locations, which has a positive side to it - meeting and networking with a lot of different people. Each of those people have helped us in some way and is part of one of our events.
We count more than 100 organized events - clubs, venues and festivals.
Mitrik, Samardjiski, LTX
Promotion of modern electronic music.
Together with more creatives from different domains, we believe we can change the world.
- Proven organization
- artists promotion
- satisfied audience